Monday, January 18, 2010

Rcx Light Sensor How Can You Use The Lego RCX Light Sensor To Sense Distence?

How can you use the Lego RCX light sensor to sense distence? - rcx light sensor

We need the RoboCup Junior Rescue Australian Premier
Any help appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not familiar with the special light sensor. But like every other single light sensor is simple is an NPN transistor, which have a different way, depending on how much light is striking. This gives you a variable input voltage (DAQ / Lego Mindstorms controller, depending on how many photons hit the piece of metal.

If you believe that you can not recognize, you can use directly a meter. You would have an outer elements.

An external source connected via a short distance from the sensor could be used as benchmarks to measure the distance. You must calibrate the sensor to ambient light in your room. This is not ideal.

Another idea is a system of laser reflectors that a laser at a moderate reflective plate, so that to ensure the reflected beam reaches the sensor shine. Since the sensor on the reflection plate, the output signal of the sensor is always higher.

I hope these ideas get started. Good luck!

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